Tuesday, March 24, 2009

They're still out there

For Christmas, my wife gave me a copy of the entertaining book The Cobra in the Barn: Great Stories of Automotive Archaeology. One of the points made several times in that book is that no matter how rare or unobtainable you think a car is, "they're still out there".

Cases in point on the F10 front, correspondent Mikko Hentta checks in from Finland with his formerly Canadian 1976 Hatchback. His web site, complete with a ton of other vintage Datsuns is here. He's wondering where he's going to source North American parts to get his restoration started.

eBay has seen two F10s sold from California in the last few months, no doubt on the heels of people seeing Laverne's car go for over $5,000. Nothing of that caliber has been showing up, but a funky green 1978 Sportwagon with fake wood paneling stickers on the side sold and a 1977 red Hatchback from Beverly Hills went for over $2,000 despite being a little on the rough side.

Greetings to the guys and gals from the Ratsun forum who've been stopping by. One of them, Len Robertson, sends links to two F10 threads on that site:

Len's F10

Portland-area F10

Len says, for the Portland-area car, "If you go to the last page, you will see the owner is loosing interest in his F10 project and is threatening to send it to the wreckers. On the offhand chance you may know someone in the Portland area who might save the car, I thought I would bring it to your attention."


mbs said...

Finally an update!

oscar lopez said...

hola amigo, estuve buscando informacion de la f10 wagon que es lo mismo que el a100. lleguè a tu blog, te agradezco mucho por toda la info que tienes acà.. te felicito me ha servido de mucho. gracias. estuve leyendo. buen blog. yo compre una wagon de esas, si puedo te mandare fotos a tu correo cuando la tenga ya totalmente tuning, ya que la camiontea esta buena, funciona perfectamente pero quiero dejarla mejor esteticamente. me sirvio de mucho tu blog para encontrar repuestos por medio del nombre correcto del vehiculo. oscar lopez. guatemala city.

oscar lopez said...

camiontea.. sorry... the correct word is camioneta. jajaja.